January 23, 2011

A Small Change to the Template

Near the bottom of every page of this blog is a link to Older Posts. It's just above the Navigating this Blog section that I wrote to help readers find their way past the first page. And since many people come to this blog when googling a particular topic, I wanted to be sure they could find more than just one post.

I noticed some time ago that the Older Posts link was easy to miss and I wanted to make it larger. Yesterday I finally did. This won't interest you unless you're a blogger, but in case you are, here's the process:

After signing in, I went into Design and clicked on the Edit HTML tab. This displays the template. It took a little searching to find the style code for the Older Posts link. It starts out like this:

#blog-pager-older-link {

I experimented a little bit and wound up choosing 108% for the size of the font. Here's the line I inserted on the template:


Once I felt satisfied with the size, I changed it on the other links that appear on the same line, Home and Newer Posts. The latter only shows up if you have already gone to Older Posts.

And yes, I downloaded a copy of my template so I could restore it if I made some kind of a mess playing with it. I'm not an expert with style sheets because I learned HTML in the "old days" before CSS, so I proceed cautiously. I did take a CSS course at VU a few years ago so I have a basic knowledge of how it works. (After all, you can't keep up unless you keep learning!)

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