January 22, 2010

New Post Editor on Blogspot

I tried the new "improved" post editor on Blogger for a while and got frustrated with it. For now I'm switching back to the old editor. If you want to do this, go to Settings, Basic, scroll down to "Select post editor" and select the "old editor."

For some reason the Video button is missing on the new editor but can still be found on the old one. Another feature that I missed was the ability to easily assign custom sizes for my photos in HTML. For instance I sometimes want a size that's between "small" and "medium" or I want to type in a particular width and height (keeping in mind that 72 px equals an inch).

There were some other nuisances but now that I have read the documentation about the new editor, I understand how to work with them so they should no longer be a problem if I switch back.

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