October 5, 2009

Labyrinth at Shrine Mont

Yesterday I took our cocker spaniel for a walk in Orkney Springs. I noticed a new sign at Shrine Mont: Labyrinth.

The labyrinth turned out to be located in a clearing a short walk up the trail. Built of local stones, it's 45 feet across.

A note encased in plastic offered information on labyrinths. This one is patterned after the one in Chartres Cathedral.

(See the PDF document about the Labyrinth on the Shrine Mont website.)

When I reached the center of the labyrinth, I found little tokens made of pipe cleaners (pictured below). I imagined that these were made by young people from one of the church groups that visited Shrine Mont.

Link: Shrine Mont Facilities Map. The labyrinth is 1000 feet to the right of the shrine (#18).
Note: Your cell phone may not pick up a signal at Shrine Mont due to the mountainous surroundings. Try the high ground around #23, or ask at the hotel (#45).
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