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visited frampton on my way to charleston from florida april 2010,whata nice place to stop at ,really good gift shop inside and the live oak out the front ,bring your camera,recommend a visit if your passing just off the 1-95 on hwy 17 on the right to charleston.
ReplyDeleteYes, I agree. Thanks for your comment.
ReplyDeleteWe stopped here also on our way back from Charleston to Florida. Our visit was really by chance as we were looking for someplace nice to eat our "Subway" lunch. This plantation is right next door and it truly couldn't have been more of a surprise that we'd find a great, historical place to eat our lunch. Recommend a short visit...very nice.
ReplyDeleteI stopped here on a trip north through the Carolinas. Nice place, peaceful, decent gift shop. I didn't see much info on the plantation's history. One thing I found strange was a sign in the men's restroom. It had a long, rambling message essentially trying to shame you into spending money after stopping to use the bathroom. I think they were trying to be clever,but I thought it was rude, a real turnoff.