March 25, 2009

Collier's Hut at Elizabeth Furnace

This reconstructed collier's hut is near the parking lot for the interpretive trails at Elizabeth Furnace. A collier is someone who collects coal or (in this case) charcoal.
small hut
A small sign nearby has a drawing of a hut like this with a door on it. The text on this sign says:

Colliers Hut
This here is just one of the places we'll use this season. We put it up while we're coaling this part of the woods. It don't look too grand but it ain't so bad now.. suppose you peek inside.

boards form coneSo of course, I peeked my camera inside and took a picture looking upwards.

An adult could not stand up in this hut but it looks like it would keep out the rain.

See my 2005 photos of the walls of the old iron furnace at Elizabeth Furnace. If you get a chance to visit this interesting historical site, you'll find that it's surrounded by lovely scenery and recreational opportunities. It's in Fort Valley, which in turn is within the Shenandoah Valley, walled off by the Massanutten Mountains. It's easily reached from Front Royal, Strasburg, or Edinburg, VA.

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