October 5, 2008

Blog Post #1514: Adding Labels

Now that I've written over 1500 blog entries, I appreciate the value of having Labels, which are those keywords at the end of each entry (also listed in the left-hand column).  So I've been adding labels to my old blog entries, both to organize them by topic and to add a search option. Generally I create a Label when I realize that I've blogged about a particular topic more than 8 or ten times.  Then I go back to previous entries on that topic and add the new Label.

I see that Safari lets me edit an entry in a new window, thus saving my place. (Firefox for Mac does not have this feature.) But I can add Labels more quickly to previous Blogspot entries as follows:
  1. Sign in.
  2. Click Edit Posts.
  3. Type search term in box. It can be the name of the label (like Autumn) or a related term. Click the Search button.
  4. A list of posts appears. If desired, click the right arrow to read the post, or click View to examine the post with pictures.
  5. Check all posts that you want to have that Label. 
  6. Pull down box "Label Actions" and select the label. It will be added to each post that you checked.
This works on Blogspot blogs.

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