September 10, 2008

Little Goat

We looked at a farm near New Market today. Frank liked it but the house smelled too musty for me so I went outside. I walked toward the fence behind the house to look at animals that were on the other side of the fence.

A little goat was bleating, sometimes crying out loudly.

He was stuck in the fence. He had put his little head through the wire and now couldn't figure out how to get it back through. When he pulled back, his horns got stuck!

His friends came to see why he was calling out. They couldn't help him, although the ram tried to lift the fence with his horns. (Really - I watched him!)

Poor kid tried and tried but did not know how to maneuver, especially with the fence post next to him holding the wire tightly in place. I tried to help him but I could not bend the wire.

Finally Frank came out of the house. He found a baseball bat and used it as a lever to stretch the wire just a little bit. He helped the goat twist his neck the right way until he got loose. I did not get a photo of that because I was trying to help.

Little goat ran away fast and found his mother. His friends returned to the field except for the donkey, who was curious about us and watched us leave.

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