October 8, 2007

Ben on the Lake Laura Dam

Here's Ben at Lake Laura yesterday. I don't think I'll be taking him up that hill again -- coming down was a bit scary! The path is steep and covered in gravel which tends to slip under my feet. If he should suddenly yank the leash, I could easily slide on the gravel and fall.

Come to think of it, I don't think that gravel was there this summer. It may be an "improvement." Bryce Resort needs better access to the beach. This trail is not handicap accessible or senior-friendly.

I remember falling from my bike as a kid and winding up with gravel embedded in my knee. My mother had to take me to the doctor to get it dug out! Not pleasant!


  1. If you lean in the opposite direction than your instincts tell you on a hill, you'll be more balanced.

  2. Huh! Wonder if that works for other situations in life?


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