July 4, 2007

A Damp Day for a Field Trip

In May I went on a field trip covering Romney to Delaplane shortly before the Grafton to Camp Allegheny trip, but I just got around to opening the Romney trip images in Photoshop today. I didn't take as many photos as usual on that field trip because it rained most of the day and I didn't want to ruin my camera.

Above left, morning mist rises over the Potomac River Valley at Romney. On the right are some classmates in a picnic shelter.

Below is a church in Paris, Virginia.

videographerThe student taking video footage (left) managed to shelter her camera with an umbrella.

In 18 years of taking these Civil War field trips, this was the first one where rain was a real problem! Once we postponed a trip for a day, and a couple times we had brief showers but they didn't last long.

bike in rain

Railroad crossing in Delaplane, VA.

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