April 9, 2007

Book: Finding Oprah's Roots, Finding Your Own

I found this book in the "New book" section at the Basye library. It's a fascinating book and I finished it quickly.

Author Henry Louis Gates, Jr. has used the family history of Oprah Winfrey as an example of genealogical research and a case study of how respect for education can lift a disadvantaged family out of hardship.

The written record of Oprah's ancestors only goes back to the 1870's census because the last names of slaves were rarely recorded. Here the author delves into the history of slavery in America and (to a lesser extent) in Africa. He also discusses the after-effects of slavery following the Civil War.

DNA now enables genealogists to bypass gaps in written history and learn where some of a person's ancestors came from. We learn that Oprah's matrilineal line likely goes back to the Kpelle tribe in Liberia.

You don't need to be a fan of Oprah to enjoy this book. It's a fascinating look at genealogy and African-American history.

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