December 31, 2023

Popular Post Photos

I'm puzzling over which picture to choose for my photo of the year. I looked at my blog stats, which tell me the most popular posts. That doesn't really tell me which photos attracted many viewers because many people found a post because they were looking for information about that place. That’s probably the case with my post on Blackwater Falls, which is the most popular one from this year.

Similarly, many people came to my post about the Lego sculptures because they were searching for something about Legos.

The single post that got the most hits this year was once again a post from 2014, The Tall Crosses near Strasburg. People find it after they see the crosses in Strasburg and wonder why they are there. A church erected them.

Here are some pictures from other popular posts of 2023.

And if there were one personality that attracted the most viewers, it would be Charlie!

Mosaic Monday


  1. Well, I loved all your photos but my favorite is Charlie 😊. Happy New Year Linda!

  2. As a group, my favourites were the expansive views of the Shenandoah Valley, that beautiful area where you live.,

  3. Hello,
    Love the Blackwater falls and the Charlie photos are always a favorite. Take care, have a wonderful first week of January!

  4. ..may 2024 be filled with favorites.

  5. These are all great selections. I dearly love Charlie, but waterfalls are my weakness...

  6. i love your pics but that waterfall is my favorite ... always seems so peaceful. have a great 2024!!! be well and keep a smile. ( ;

  7. These are wonderful. Charlie Houdini is a delight.

  8. The holidays are finally over.

    Now we are curious to see what the turn of the year will bring? Hopefully more peace, more insight into sustainability for the whole of nature. It is urgently needed!

    Thank you so much for this wonderful post,

    Warm hugs from Heidrun, I wish you and your family a healthy, happy new year 2024

  9. Linda - a very interesting analysis of "photo of the year". I vote for the Charlie photos, hands down! Happy New Year!


The View from Squirrel Ridge features thousands of views of the Shenandoah Valley and surrounding area. I post frequently so please visit often.

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