August 31, 2024

Charlie’s End of August Report

Hi, I'm back with another short report from a dog's point of view. Right now it's raining so we can't go for an adventure. We were outside earlier, but then Mom had to go to the store to buy me more dog food. I don’t like dry kibble so I want the good stuff.

Yesterday we went out the front door to take a walk and there was something hiding in the garden. Look, it’s a cat! It’s not a friendly cat so it didn’t come to play with me.

Mom took a couple of pictures because it was hard to see the cat crouching down in the shadows. She lightened one and filtered it in Picsart.

Do you like horses? They are bigger than dogs.

Even though I don’t like riding in the car, I like going different places to explore. I guess Mom already told you about the sunflower maze. It’s a good thing I was there to help her find her way.

I like going to the dog park. I don’t know why we don’t go there every day. It’s a good place to run, or just sit on the bench. 

Sometimes no one else is there, but here’s a dog who came on Sunday. 

Keep on smiling! And be nice to dogs!

August 30, 2024

Community Bulletin Board

Woodstock, VA

Here we see a man tacking up a notice. I had just posted one myself for a musical event sponsored by Friends of Seven Bends State Park.
Beats on the Bend, September 22, 2 P.M. 

I paused to take a picture of flowers in a planter. The lavender blue flowers are salvia.

August 29, 2024

This Morning, This Evening

When Charlie took me for a walk this morning, the sky was pretty. He stood still just long enough for me to take a few pictures.

Soon the sun came out and it was very bright. The temperature went up to a humid 89°F before a thunderstorm brought relief this afternoon. It didn’t last long, and produced a rainbow. If you look closely, there is a faint secondary rainbow above it.

August 28, 2024

Water Birds, Crape Myrtle

Yesterday I took Charlie to the state park for a sniffari walk. It would've been too hot today (over 90°F), but it was bearable then and we walked in the shade. As I drove across the Lupton Road Bridge, I paused to take a picture and saw this bird taking off. It may have been a cormorant, but I didn't get a really good look. 

On the day before, I had two doctor appointments so I left Charlie in daycare. I had free time between the appointments so I took some pictures. I drove past the place where we used to live. The present owner is still remodeling the house. I don’t know if he has moved in. The crape myrtle that we planted in the front yard has grown and is blooming nicely.

The subdivision road curves around the lake. There are still plenty of ducks.

August 27, 2024

August 26, 2024

Small but Mighty Mural

Luray, VA

This painting of a raptor is on the side of Broad Porch Coffee. I did not find information on it, but I am going to guess that it depicts a hawk because it is steps away from Hawksbill Creek.

Luray is a small but vibrant town, popular with tourists because of Luray Caverns, and proximity to the Shenandoah River and Shenandoah National Park.

Mosaic Monday / Murals

August 25, 2024

Blessing Box at Warren County Services Complex

Front Royal, VA

This decorated blessing box is at the former middle school that is now the Health and Human Services Complex. The box has a mountain scene painted on one side and flowers on the other side.

I only had a few things to donate. There is a kind local woman who picks up donations at a supermarket and distributes them to the various blessing boxes in Front Royal. People who are out of groceries can stop at one of these boxes and pick up a few things to eat. It works on the honor system, although there are some people who compulsively take more than they need. I don’t think anyone ever takes the last can of beans though.

August 24, 2024

Deer and Charlie

On the way home from the park on Wednesday, we saw some deer at the edge of town. They were in the shade so these cell phone pictures are not the clearest.

Charlie was curious to see the deer but not overly excited. I realize that his fans like to see his picture, so here he is checking out the river at Seven Bends State Park.

A walk makes him thirsty, so he has a special water bottle. 

The filter on the final picture is called Toon 3.

August 23, 2024

The View from Afton Mountain

Nelson County, VA

There is a scenic overlook along I-64 eastbound. Here you can enjoy a mountain view, with U.S. Route 250 not far below you. Before the interstate was built, Rt. 250 was the main road between Richmond and the Shenandoah Valley. Even earlier, it was a Monacan Indian trail across the Blue Ridge Mountains.

Unfortunately, the interstate overlook is marred with graffiti, and I saw some young people adding to it.

There are three historical markers at the overlook, and if you are curious, you can read the text at Historical Marker Database: Rockfish Gap Meeting, Flight of Richard C. Dupont, and Greenwood-Afton Rural Historic District.

August 22, 2024

Just Before Sunrise

I know I complain about Charlie getting up before dawn. I like to sleep late, but he won’t let me. We’re still working on it.

It’s late August. I don’t like seeing the days get shorter, but at least he should sleep a little later.

On this particular day, we walked just a bit farther than usual because I wanted to get a picture of the eastern sky. We saw three other people walking their dogs at that early hour. I guess Charlie is not the only pup who likes to get up early.

August 21, 2024

One that Got Away

This afternoon I saw an osprey as I crossed the bridge into Seven Bends State Park. Unfortunately, it flew out of sight into the trees before I could take a picture. Here is the view anyway. It was a beautiful day, and cool for August in Virginia.

Charlie and I walked along a trail for a little way, but we did not see the osprey again. 

To make up for missing the shot, I pulled out some of my old pictures of ospreys. The nest photos were taken in Maryland.

Bonus shot: Charlie at the LOVE sign.