June 11, 2023

Today in Timberville

Today I drove to Timberville for two reasons. One, I wanted to get a picture of the new kayak ramp on the river and two, I wanted to see if their Walmart had some things that were out of stock at my town’s Walmart. (It didn’t.)

The town park is bigger than I remembered. It has a playground, athletic fields, a couple of picnic shelters, a dog park, and plenty of frontage on the North Fork of the Shenandoah.

The ramp for kayaks and canoes was built by town workers using materials donated by Cargill, which has a plant across the road. There are steps with a ramp in the middle for pulling your small boat up the hill.

The water was shallow because our weather has been quite dry lately. Fortunately, there is rain in the forecast tomorrow.

I also took pictures of the town hall and the police department building.

Mosaic Linkup


  1. The river ramp has wood sticks on it. A bit odd.

  2. Hello,
    The park sounds nice, I would like the views of the river. Take care, have a happy new week!

  3. Apparently we have much needed rain in the forecast here as well.

  4. I hope you’ll go back and let us see more of it.

  5. I would like having those ramps when pulling a canoe out of the water! Beautiful scenery!

  6. Greetings from St James Trinidad
    Happy Monday
    mine is HERE


  7. Sounds like a nice place to visit :)

  8. It seems wonderful. I enjoyed your post.

    Thank you for sharing and being part at

    Have a wonderful week.
    Greetings by Heidrun


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