June 12, 2023

Manassas Mall Murals

Today we finally got some much needed rain. That made it a good day for indoor activities. I drove to Manassas to shop at the new Sprouts location. (It’s a grocery/farmers market). I also checked out the murals in the mall across the street. Shopping malls are not as popular as they used to be and a number of stores stand vacant, but the murals are bright and cheery. 

The paintings are a project of Murals at Mason, an artistic program at George Mason University.

Today I am sharing a batch that were contiguous, and I’ll share a few more on another day. There were kiosks in the way of some views so I did not get full images of every mural.

The murals are reflected in mirrors of the gym, across the hall, and to more subtle degree, in the windows.


  1. Each of these murals have such a positive message, one of hope and joy. They are all colorful and charming.

  2. I haven’t been to Manassas Mall in a long time. I like those murals. Seems like all the shopping malls are having a hard time. Sprouts sounds interesting.

  3. These are very good murals where each one of them tell a story

  4. Nice and colourful and a great variety of murals. I photographed a "Unity" mural today :) Love the rainbow, flowers and butterflies. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Linda.

  5. Love the murals, beautiful and colorful! Take care, enjoy your day!

  6. I have always considered shopping malls a blight on the landscape and the driving force for uncontrolled suburbia gobbling up more and more land. If they all die it will be a victory for environmental sanity.

  7. ...I'm with David, but I do enjoy the murals.


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