June 10, 2023

From Charlie on June 10th

Hi! I wasn't sure that I had anything to write about because the last few days have been kind of quiet. There were some days when I didn't get to go anywhere except for short walks. Mom said something about the air being smoky.

She wanted a post for Saturday Critters so I thought maybe I’d show you some of my toy animals.

Mom has some animal toys too, and last weekend she bought this painting of a rhino, whatever that is.

This afternoon something happened that I want to tell you about. I was able to get close to the yellow cat! I was worried that it might go hide in the storm drain again. There is a shelf in there that cats hide on. but it did not go in there and we were able to say hello.

This is a special cat that only has three legs. I wanted it to know that I am friendly.

Filtered for Caturday

I hope the air clears up and I get to play with some of my dog friends. I did go to two parks this week, but there was nobody at the Strasburg Park, and at Fairview Park the dogs who showed up were some growly ones who scared me so I don't want to play with them anymore. I can play by myself for a while.


  1. The rhino painting is so good

  2. Glad that you finally were able to cozy up to the three-legged cat, Charlie.

  3. Hello,
    Charlie looks so cute and comfy in the first photo.
    I am hoping the air is clean and better this week. I hope Charlie is able to go back to the doggie park.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your day and have a great new week. PS, thanks for leaving me a comment.

  4. so cute. of course i wanna play ... best friends are so fun! happy weekend. take care this week. ( ;

  5. Charlie is such a great-looking guy!

  6. Soy más de gatos que de perro, por eso el que me ha cautivado ha sido el gato. Eso no quita , que una vez superado el temor, no haya acariciado alguna persona amiga.
    De pequeña, salió uno corriendo detrás de mí y desde ese tiempo, les tengo algo de miedo.
    Feliz domingo

  7. Charlie is curious about the kitty.

  8. We hope the air is clearing up a bit, Charlie. We hope, also, you get to make real furriends with the yellow kitty.

  9. This moderately smokey particles in air is a good lesson for all of us how we're all connected on this blue planet of ours. So glad cat and dog have made better contact.

  10. It's lovely that you are making friends with the kitty. Hope you guys get to have some fun.

  11. The toys look just right for Charlie! Have FUN!

  12. ...Charley is fill energy in the last picture.

  13. Thank you for a lovely post Charlie :)

    All the best Jan

  14. Your very brave Charlie and I'm sure the three-legged cat appreciated your friendliness. :)


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