February 2, 2021

Remembering Roxie


  1. Memories will always be with us.

  2. ...memories of a friend! Thanks g=for stopping by, take care and stay safe.

  3. It hurts to lose a fur-baby. Sorry for your loss.
    Thank you for sharing Roxie with us at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2021/02/black-and-white.html

  4. It's the birth anniversary of my belated little sister...who left us a couple of years ago. I have feelings of loss too.

  5. Oh that sweet baby! So sorry for your loss

  6. You have my sympathy. Our last dog was a Roxie too.

  7. Oh so sorry about the loss of your sweet Roxie. It is so hard to let them go but thankfully we have our memories to remind us of how much we loved them and they loved us back. Hugs.

  8. A lovely photograph.
    Treasured memories.

    All the best Jan


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