June 2, 2019

Views in Jerome, Virginia

If you drive through western Shenandoah County, you may see signs to Jerome and think it's a big town. Nope. It is a very small town, one where the stores have gone out of business and the school has closed. But a fine church still sits high on a hill, so drive up there to take in the views.

This is St. Paul's Lutheran Church, built in 1891 with an addition in 1935. See my 2017 picture of it at sunset.

The rest of the pictures show the view from the church parking lot. The little gas station has been closed for years.

I found some historical information about Jerome in the Shenandoah County Historic Resources Survey.

The Barn Collective, Shadow Shot Sunday, and InSPIREd Sunday


  1. ...an interesting cemetery without trees!
    ...lovely white church.
    ...that gas station sure looks southern.
    ...such an inviting little farm!
    Thanks Linda, enjoy your day.

  2. And you captured a barn too! The gas station may be closed, but it is cared for and painted, no weeds growing around pump. People who care about history must live around there.

  3. Hello, nice views of the cemetery and church. The countryside is lovely. Enjoy your day, have a great new week ahead.

  4. Splendid views from the high ground.

  5. They are all very nice views.

    All the best Jan

  6. I love these little towns and the people still living there must also. The place is neat and tidy. Too bad 'progress' chose to bypass it.

  7. Sweet peaceful scenes. It's a shame the stores and school have closed there.


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