June 1, 2019

Critters and Scenery at the State Arboretum

I drove through the State Arboretum on Wednesday afternoon after shopping in Winchester. It was such a pretty day that I got out to photograph a stone wall and wound up taking a walk down to one of the ponds.

Not all these pictures have a bird or animal, but most do. For instance, there's a robin in the first one. It was in the shade so it's a bit hard to spot it.

Next we see a squirrel, a red-winged blackbird, a swallow in flight, a bunny, a pond scene with bird in tree...


"An arboretum includes a managed collection of living plants, particularly trees, that are planted for display, preservation, or education. The Arboretum contributes to Blandy’s mission by serving as a"living classroom," allowing a greater understanding of the natural environment through research, education, and outreach. Our collection has been growing since 1926, when this property was donated to the University of Virginia upon Graham Blandy’s death."

I almost didn't see the turtle on a rock because there were branches obscuring my view. There were frogs too, but I didn't even get a good look at them before they hopped away.

It's common to see horses on the bridle trails, but this was the first time I saw a horse and carriage here.

Saturday's Critters and I'd Rather Be Birdin'


  1. Great photos. I could see that robin at first sight. :)

  2. What a beautiful area. Just filled with color, wildlife & great scenery.

    For linking in with us this weekend at I'd Rather B Birdin', I thank you. Happy birding!

  3. Hello, looks like a great outing. I love the bird and the horse and carriage. The turtle is cute too. Thanks for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Sunday, enjoy your day and new week. PS, thanks for leaving me a comment.

  4. That looks like a lovely place to visit5.

  5. It looks like a nice play to go. I love the photos of the horse and carriage. Don't see that much any longer.

  6. great place to visit...
    thank you for great photos

  7. Your shot of the squirrel is my favourite.

  8. Such a lovely place, I did enjoy seeing your photographs, especially the squirrel.

    All the best Jan

  9. What a wonderful place! So pretty, and filled with wildlife, and I like the horse and carriage, too!

  10. many gret critters. And, I love that beautiful horse :)

  11. What a lovely place to explore nature.


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