June 7, 2019

Linkups and a Correction

1. Weekend Reflections: Windows at the hobby shop in Strasburg reflect trees, signs, and a marquee from across the street.

2. Black and White Weekend: Do you know what this is?

(Hint: The engraved words say Hi Spy Viewing Machines. That's not what I would have called them, but their website lists dozens of common names for these devices.)

3. Correction: In yesterday's post, I incorrectly called these little flowers Wild Phlox. Tom commented that they are actually Dame's Rocket. It seems that Dame's Rocket has four petals and phlox has five.

Floral Friday.
Although Dame's Rocket is pretty and has edible leaves, it is considered invasive in many places, so I don't recommend planting it.

4. I sharing the rather plain scene with slanting signs as a public service announcement. The road to Woodstock Tower is closed on the western side of the mountain. There was a landslide several months ago and a section of the road is gone! I understand it is still passable to bicycles, although probably dangerous if riding downhill.

If you want to reach the tower trail, drive up from the Fort Valley side of the mountain.
Fences Around the World.
5. Skywatch Friday: Stony Man Overlook, Shenandoah National Park.

See my 2014 post about this overlook.


  1. I know a company which is manufacturing binoculars like that. They are good products to see everywhere.

  2. ...Dane's Rocket is invasive, but it's a beautiful addition to the roadside here. Thanks Linda for stopping by, enjoy your weekend.

  3. Hello, I recognize the scope. I love the last view of the overlook at Shenandoah. Pretty flowers. Enjoy your day and weekend!

  4. The last shot of the overlook is nice.

  5. Love the reflections in your Hi Spy machine ;)

  6. That last shot is very dramatic.

  7. Very pretty sky shot. I like the fence photo too, with the rolling countryside!

  8. Although those flowers are invasive, they are pretty.
    Love your last photograph.

    All the best Jan

  9. Great reflection shot Linda. Have a lovely week ahead.

  10. A lovely collection of fun shots :)


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