November 17, 2024

Monochrome Medleys

 The pictures in the first collage are from today. I was looking for textures.

The other mosaics are screenprints from Facebook posts for a black and white theme. Most of the individual pictures have been on my blog within the last two years.


  1. Wonderful series! Well done!
    Take care, have a great week!

  2. Most enjoyable views with textures that are so evident in B&W.

  3. These are great! I'm partial to the kitty cat :)

  4. I love how you're exploring textures through photography! The mix of your recent work with the screenprints from Facebook posts creates such a unique contrast. It’s fascinating how these visual elements come together to tell a story.

    I just shared a new post, and I invite you to read:

  5. I like monochrome too. It`s a wonderful art aof photography.

    Another wonderful contribution for MosaicMonday. Thank you very much for your participation. ...very interesting to see!

    Greetings from Heidrun

  6. Linda - I have never tried black and white photography, but your photos and collages are very inspiring! Very cool!

  7. There really is something special about black and white photography. Enjoy your week. I am joining you at Mosaic Monday. Life Images by Jill.

  8. Excellent mosaics, Charlie is my favorite.


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