November 16, 2024

Charlie Turned Three

Yesterday was Charlie's birthday. He was not impressed when I sang Happy Birthday to him in the morning. I’ll let him tell you about the day.

Hi! There was something special about yesterday and Mom said it was my birthday, whatever that is. Other than her singing to me, the morning was ordinary enough. We went for a walk and I took a nap. In the afternoon, we got in the car and went to Wendy’s. She gave me pieces of my hamburger until it was gone, and she gave me a couple of fries.

We went to the dog park and some of my friends were there. They were pretty much the same ones who were there the other day, so there were nine dogs including me. Their moms and dads told me “Happy Birthday.” It sounded like something to be proud of, so I was. I showed all the dogs how fast I can run, and we raced around and played. 

Here are some of the other dogs.

And here’s a picture that Mom made on the computer.

I think we are supposed to share animal pictures for Saturday Critters, so here are some horses.

I hope you get to see some friends and have fun too.


  1. Happy Belated Birthday Charlie! Looks like you had a nice day and yummy treats. Cute doggie photos.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your day and have a great new week! PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  2. Happy Belated Birthday, Charlie! Glad you had a fun day.

  3. Mark down the date Charlie so you don’t forget next year. Maybe you’ll even receive treats.

  4. Sorry We missed your Birthday, Charlie.
    Belated Happy Birthday, anyhow.
    We hope you also got some treats and presents.

  5. Happy unbirthday...since you had 3 years for birthdays, you might also like that every other day is an unbirthday. We have lots of those in our silly calendars. Great to see all those dogs having fun!

  6. Happy Birthday Greetings to Charlie :) Beautiful pics.

  7. He sure has grown a lot this year and we've enjoyed his trips...especially to the dog park! Love the photo collage you created!

  8. Happy Birthday, Charlie! Looks like a fun day.

  9. Hi Charlie — Is your birthday related to your age in dog years? Or in people/solar years?
    Have a good year, whichever it is… mae at

  10. Happy belated birthday, Charlie. Glad you had a fun day.


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