September 22, 2024

Working Hard? Or Hardly Working?

Scenes from the Ole Time Festival

I didn’t take many pictures at the festival yesterday because I was holding Charlie’s leash.

The gentleman in the first picture was making apple butter. The Civil War reenactor appeared to be taking a nap.


  1. LOL, the last one is hardly working.
    Take care, have a great day and happy week ahead.

  2. ...few things beat a good nape.

  3. Apple butter is one of life’s great treats.

  4. I love apple butter on a southern biscuit! Funny the reenactor napping has his phone on his lap!

  5. I suppose the nap would be quite an authentic part of a reenactment -- people had to sleep sometimes. Maybe not in that kind of chair though and definitely not with a phone ))) ,,, and now I'm hungry for apple- butter on toast. Yumm


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