September 21, 2024

Goats Kidding Around

Between Edinburg and Woodstock is a small farm where I often see goats.

I pulled over to take pictures when I saw two young goats having a butting contest.

They did this repeatedly, but there didn’t seem to be any hard feelings.

In related news, this weekend is the annual festival in Edinburg and there are goats and other animals.

Charlie was more impressed by dogs that we saw. I also stopped at the recycling center, and he kept an eye on me.

He watches me at home too.

Modified for Caturday art. Also sharing with Saturday Critters.


  1. ...goats are interesting critters.

  2. I love the goats and your sweet Charlie, great critter photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your critter post. Take care, have a great day and a wonderful week! PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  3. I love seeing animals in the countryside.

  4. Probably some remnant of ancestral behaviour, part of growing up.

  5. I loved seeing kids (goat variety) having fun with each other. That last portrait of Charlie is art.

  6. That last photo of Charlie is very neat. You should print it out! Love watching the animals at play too.

  7. Hi Linda :)
    Interesting to see the goats butting heads, and Charlie, who can't take his eyes off you.

  8. I enjoyed all your goat photos. As a child we used to visit a pen at the local horse corrals that housed a herd of goats, and enjoyed petting them. Charlie looks wonderful, even when modified.


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