August 1, 2024

Fruit Stand

The August theme for City Daily Photo is Fruit. Today I stopped at Mowery Orchard to take some pictures of fruit for the theme because I don’t happen to have any fresh fruit at home. Sadly, I can only eat cooked fruit because raw fruit makes my gums sore and swollen. (This is a form of oral allergy syndrome.)  Yes, that’s pathetic, but as I often remind myself, there are many people who are practically starving, and at least I can afford to buy food. 

The apples look good, don’t they? I eat applesauce almost every day. 

I noticed a curtain that I thought was clever and appropriate.

Mowery’s is on Senedo Road, Woodstock, VA.


  1. What a bummer not being able to eat raw fruit, surely on of life’s greatest delights. Yesterday I had a peach, two plums, half an avocado and an apple.

  2. i have no clue what i did. i had a comment typed and hit something silly. so thanks for the post help. glad to know it wasn't New York but Massachusetts. i always wonder why searching things are so tough for me but like you the hubby has lend help in the past and he has such great advice as well. u both are searching genuis! so happy for your help. happy weekend for you. take care. see ya again soon. ( ;

  3. Great lush photos of fruits! I couldn't spell lucious, lushious!.


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