July 31, 2024

Daylilies and Hummingbirds

This summer has brought us precious few hummingbirds, so I went into a photo folder from July 2021 to find some. I also found some colorful daylilies.

People are commenting on how few hummingbirds we're seeing in western Virginia this year. This may be due to the very hot and dry weather. Threats to these small birds include climate change, pesticide use, and loss of habitat. 


  1. ...I have seen a number of hummingbirds, but captured none f them with my camera. Have an Awesome August.

  2. It is an established fact that Ruby- throated Hummingbird is in steep decline. It used to be that we could barely keep our feeders filled, now we bring them in day after day to clean them out and refill them. We have only two backyard sightings all year.

  3. I love Daylilies, Hummingbirds are adorable. Thanks for being part of Garden Affair.


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