June 12, 2024

Another Eagle Flies Free

A young bald eagle was released last week at Seven Bends State Park. Staff from the Wildlife Center of Virginia brought her here after rehabilitating her. She is a juvenile bald eagle who was rescued when she was found unable to fly.


I was excited to go even though I attended a similar event last year. Unfortunately I had left my old Nikon turned on and the battery was too low, so I took another camera that does not do as well with bird photos. Add that to my continuing vision problems and the pictures are not as sharp as I'd like, or at least not to me. I'm not sure I can tell though!

Note that juvenile bald eagles do not have the distinctive white feathers on their heads. 

She did not go very far at first. She flew across the road to a fence and stayed there for a while. When a small bird started dive-bombing her, she flew over to the cornfield and disappeared.

Look above her in the final picture to see the bird that was harassing her.  I guess size does not matter as much as sass. 


  1. So good to see that happening

  2. I hope she does well in the wild and has a long and productive life. Looks like she is being harassed by an Eastern Kingbird.

  3. ...ah, to be able to fly!

  4. Wonderful to see another huge bird able to go live her life in the wild. So much better than sitting in some kind of cage!

  5. How exciting was that!! I am just happy to see an eagle high in the sky.. to be that close and see it take off. Great.

  6. Love the baby Bald Eagle, very rich Linda.


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