February 28, 2024

Sparrow and Hawk

The song sparrow is a welcome visitor to my feeders. 

On Monday, I spotted a hawk up in a tree when I returned home from walking with Charlie. Although I think hawks are interesting, I worry that they will prey on my bird friends. There were birds in my yard though, so I guess they weren't concerned. 

After we went indoors, I got my old Nikon and zoomed in on the hawk from my back door.  It was large and I assumed it was a red-tailed hawk because that's what I usually see around here. In fact, one of these hawks visited my yard two years ago, also in late February. I believe it perched in the same tree!

This one does have stripes on the tail. While writing this post, I decided to crop and lighten the picture to view the feathers. It has the markings of a red-tailed hawk. 

Wild Bird Wednesday

I must have disturbed it, for it flew away. I didn’t get a picture of it flying because my trusty old Nikon does not focus fast enough. Two years ago, I was able to get a cell phone video of a hawk in flight. Here’s an image that I cropped from that short video.


  1. Great shots of the sparrow and the Hawk! Take care, have a great day!

  2. Ohhh these photos are simply gorgeous. I do like the last one very much. Thank you for stopping by my blogg.

  3. Lovely to see the smallest of birds and the large fast hawk as well.

  4. We saw a hawk take a goldfinch right off a flower not 5' from us one day. It was spectacular and sad all at the same time.

  5. I love song sparrows, they are such cute little birds!

  6. Wonderful photos, great detail on that pretty sparrow and the hawk was a great catch, lovely lighting on all. I was very interested in the flight snap, especially the lines at the end of each wing.

  7. I've photographed a hawk resting on a fence, not ten feet away, years ago.


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