August 1, 2023

Gardens in Strasburg Town Park

This is the first day of August (already!) and the City Daily Photo theme for today is Garden.

Strasburg’s Town Park has a new feature, dedicated a few days ago. It is a Sensory Music Garden, and I believe that is the first one in Shenandoah County, although nearby Warren County has several. It has outdoor musical instruments. I wish we had had these when I was a kid.

This area is next to the playground, with a picnic shelter nearby.

Ruby TuesdayTreasures

Strasburg Community Garden

Part two of today’s post shows the more traditional garden across Park Road. It has really grown since the last time I showed pictures of it.  The rest of today’s post is wordless because the photos are self-explanatory.


  1. Hello,
    The music garden is wonderful. The flowers and veggies are beautiful too. Take care, have a great day!

  2. I just heard of a community garden closing because so much of the produce grown there was being routinely stolen. People are sick.

  3. ...keep the music playing.

  4. What fun, to make music all around. Love the little flowers, and tomatoes too!

  5. What a great idea! The other garden is lovely.

  6. Such a pretty place, more towns should ptetty up like this. Oh yes, we walked by it and found the other blue car on the sidestreet to the right. I would have said only two until I found one more.
    I tried the highlighting after posting. So I supposed all did. Sorry, mot all could pick the blank area up. I am glad to learn of your method.

  7. What a cool place! I love it!
    Thanks for sharing at


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