July 31, 2023

Flag Mural, Harpers Ferry

This house is called the Flag House and it's easy to see why.

Harpers Ferry is a historic town at the confluence of the Shenandoah River and the Potomac River. It is unique and beautiful, with a national historic park at the riverfront.
Mosaic Monday / Murals


  1. That flag movement looks surreal

  2. That is a fabulous mural of the American flag. Harpers Ferry played such a huge roll before and during the Civil War. So glad to see that flag, Linda.

  3. Hello,
    I have been to Harpers Ferry many times, it is a pretty town. Take care, have a great day!

  4. Does the flag house have other flags too?

  5. What a nice flag mural. The town looks very pretty with that mountain in the background. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Linda

  6. ...quite a historical site.

  7. Beautiful mural of the flag! Wish more were like that. Loved the shots of Harpers Ferry!

  8. That flag flies by just like July! Cool!

  9. There are many other interestings things here to see, to read. I enjoyed your post.

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  10. Neat mural! I'd like to visit there some time on one of my many trips along that route.
    best, mae at maefood.blogspot.com


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