April 16, 2023

A Busy Weekend

As Charlie's post mentioned yesterday, Marie came for a brief visit. It was nice having her assistance as well as her company. She changed two lightbulbs in ceiling fixtures, walked the dog, and drove the car to the park so that I could sit in the backseat with Charlie. I am still working on keeping him calm in the car. He gets nervous every time the car starts to move forward. It seemed to help that I was next to him.

Lynn came for dinner yesterday and we celebrated Marie‘s birthday a week early.

This morning Marie and I took Charlie to the state park for a walk. He really likes sniffing around to discover where other animals have been. 

Then Marie had to leave because she has to work tomorrow. I spent some time working on my tax forms, which are due tomorrow. I don't usually wait till the very last minute, but this year has been full of distractions.

Sharing with Mosaic Monday


  1. That’s great! Sounds like you had a wonderful time. Happy Birthday to Marie.

  2. Beautiful spring colour all around

  3. Hello,
    Sounds like a fun time for you, Marie and Charlie. Happy Birthday to Marie. Love the photos. Have a great day and happy new week!

  4. Happy birthday, Marie. I am sure that Charlie enjoyed your company.

  5. Love the puppet, at first I thought it was Kermit, then noticed the teath in the mouth! Oops! Keep it out of Charlie's range or it will definitely become mush! Yes, the force of a car starting would be strange for a little one, dog or cat. Hope he gets used to it. Can you drive from the back seat? Ha ha.

  6. What a wonderful time you had! Lovely photos! Cathy

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    Have a wonderful week.
    Greetings by Heidrun


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