March 25, 2022

A New Exhibit at Belle Grove

Near Middletown is historic Belle Grove, built in the 1790's. I went to see the new exhibit, "Unearthing Enslaved Lives at Belle Grove."

Black and White Weekend

I was delighted to see my friend Ranger Shannon along with archaeologist Matt Greer (in plaid shirt), who led the excavation and artifact research of the slave quarters. I visited the site a couple of times before the pandemic.

The exhibit is beautifully done. There are several activities for children so they can learn about archaeology.

I was impressed by the type collection, an extensive array of labeled artifacts under glass, arranged in drawers by category. 

The grounds of Belle Grove are lovely and peaceful, a contrast to the Civil War battle that took place here in 1864. 

Friday Bliss Garden Affair / Friday Flowers

Skywatch / Barns


  1. That is an imortant historical museum, of course not so nice to learn about the evils in the past. But it seems that the evil wins over the good at present, too. That blue carry (?) with spring flowers is very charming.

  2. Fine B&W, and lovely colour photos, too. My bluebells have some buds, but no flowers yet!

  3. ...that barn is a beauty!

  4. I applaud this kind of facility. To involve children in this way is the best thing of all.

  5. The History Museum here has a sand tray for kids to find artifacts in...everything from rocks and shells to shards. Those exhibits at Belle Grove are very glad that archaeology is being shared more!

  6. Very cool. I'm glad that more attention is being paid to the lives of enslaved people.

  7. It is important to show this kind of story.

  8. It sounds fascinating. Beautiful photo of the barn, and that sky!!

  9. Beautiful post , loved the floral blooms especially pansies in cart. Thanks for sharing with Garden Affair.


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