November 14, 2019

Strasburg Signs, Fences, Trees, and Tracks.

This Week in Strasburg, Virginia.

Sharing with Signs.

Yesterday I stopped in the Strasburg Town Park to see if there were still colorful leaves on the trees.  Yes!

Temperatures have been unseasonably cold this week and some leaves have fallen, but there is still plenty of fine color if you look for it.

The park has rail fences and a view of the Massanutten Mountains, as well as ball fields, a playground, swimming in summer, and river access.

The town's Radio Shack is having a going-out-of-business sale. Even after merging with another business, it found it impossible to thrive, especially since video rentals lost customers to newer technology. There is still a Radio Shack in Woodstock, though. For those who aren't familiar with Radio Shack, they sell electronic parts, batteries, and cell phones.

A train still runs to Strasburg, and I took photos of the tracks from the Route 55 overpass just outside of town.


  1. Nice to be able to enjoy the autumn colours. We are enjoying cool weather over here.

  2. Beautiful photos and the fall coulours are fabulous as are the good fences. I am back again for a little while so trying to catch up. Have a wonderful weekend.

  3. ...emojis sure have become popular! I rarely if ever see anyone carrying a sign these days. Thanks Linda for stopping by, enjoy your weekend.

  4. I blame Amazon for the loss of our Radio Shacks here. Love the colors as you captured them in the park and along the tracks. The printer's use of emojis in the window are cute, especially with the sayings attached. Have a great weekend!

  5. The trees are spectacular. Faces on the window - funny!

  6. The colors of fall are just perfect to me. Lovely photos.

  7. Those trees are beautiful, lovely photographs.

    All the best Jan


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