September 12, 2019

Blooming Blandy, Late Summer.

Blandy Experimental Farm, the Virginia State Arboretum, is a lovely place to visit. Often I drive through, stopping for a little while or perhaps for an hour or so if I have time to walk around.

It's a large place, with some features from its old plantation days, plus newer attractions aimed at research and public education.



  1. Great series Linda. I especially enjoyed the Monarch on that beautiful bloom. Thank you for sharing the pollinator garden too. I am trying to decide on what to plant to attract more butterflies next growing season.

  2. Monarch butterflies must be the prettiest ones and I love that gate. I am just about to go to Australia for 6 weeks but have all my post scheduled in (bit of a marathon that was!) Unfortunately I will not be commenting while I am away but as often as I can will look at bloggers posts.

  3. Monarch butterfly on Zinnia looks good. Beautiful pictures!

  4. The butterfly is beautiful (what a funny name, why butter? We call them Schmetterlinge, maybe cause they clap their wings (clap - schmetter)? Are they attracted to butter?).
    A community garden is a great idea! We had it a tad smaller a couple of years ago, in a trolley...

  5. Espectaculares estas fotografias, gostei de ver e aproveito para desejar um bom fim-de-semana.

    Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa
    O prazer dos livros

  6. Beautiful views Linda, my favourite is the butterfly on zinnia <3 Thank you for linking, have a nice weekend.

  7. ...the first one tells it all.

  8. Beautiful photos, and so glad you got to visit 2 different kinds of and veggies.

  9. Schöne Gartenbilder, Zinnien gibt es in unserem Garten reichlich, aber Schmetterlinge nicht.
    L G Pia

  10. Lovely photos! Looks like a neat place to visit.


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