April 9, 2019

A Farm in Harmony Hollow

View from the 4-H Center near Front Royal, VA

This is near the Remount Depot on the eastern slope of the Blue Ridge Mountains.


  1. ...a wonderful barn in the hills, the clay tile silo is a nice one. Thanks Linda for linking up this week, my problem is solved so things should be back to normal next week.

  2. Hello, beautiful view of the farm and barn. Enjoy your day and week ahead.

  3. That's a lovely barn and silo in the little vale.

  4. Beautiful countryside views. The second photo is my favorite.

  5. Love your first photograph …

    All the best Jan

  6. lovely views....barn is interesting for me.
    have a great day

  7. Neat farm scenes. Lovely down in the Hollow.


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