March 11, 2019

Squirrel, Squirrel, Squirrel

Blog Post #6650

At the bottom of the screen on this blog is a widget showing how many times I've used each label; that is, a subject that tagged from the post. I noticed that my most-used label is "Shenandoah," which is fine because the Shenandoah Valley is a focus of this blog. Next most-used is "Family," followed by "Birds."

The topic of "Squirrels" is quite a ways down the list. Well, I don't want to slight my squirrel friends, so this are some pictures of them. I made a Photo Collage of five squirrels, plus here's an image from a trail camera. I cropped it so you can see the squirrel without too much extra scenery.

On another topic, I have now posted 6,650 times on this blog. I'd like to say that I don't have time to comment on other blogs as often as I would like, and sometimes I try, but run into a technical problem. Often it is an anti-spam gadget that I just cannot get past. These have become harder to solve in an effort to stop automated comments, but honestly, my eyes are not strong enough to spot all the cars or crosswalks in some blurry picture. If I don't get it right on the second try, I give up and my comment is lost. Sorry, but life is too short to spend hours arguing with robots! It's bad enough that they scold me in the supermarket for putting items in my bag too softly.

Another problem is that often my comments don't get emailed automatically, so if you rely on email to read comments, you may not see mine. This is because I have an AOL email address and that ISP has been flagged as one that spammers use. I have tried changing to a different email address but it seems to be stuck in Blogger somewhere and it doesn't get changed.

I started using AOL back in the days of floppy disks – not the 3.5" ones, but the 5 1⁄4-inch ones that were actually floppy! AOL sent out software for free on these disks, and I used that software to dial-up the internet on a phone line. The interface was AOL's proprietary homepage. I did not go directly to the web but went through AOL.  My email was there and I put up webpages there, starting with one for my dog Guppy in 1997.

Now AOL is regarded as quaint, but at one time it was a trailblazer.


  1. Linda - congrats on post 6650! Wow. As someone who is only at 100 and something, I can't even imagine! It was good of you to consider giving the squirrels some web time - they are often maligned for their feeder behavior! So glad you have made time for Mosaic Monday again this week!

  2. Thanks for the lovely photos of the squirrels.

  3. Hello, the squirrel photos are cute. They do make themselves right at home on the bird feeders. Wishing you a happy day and week ahead!

  4. I just heard yesterday 2 friends sharing email addresses, and both were still AOL...they also were apologetic. I think I got on line with AOL in about 1999. I have no idea how many blog posts I've made, now will go look. That's great that you've accomplished so much here! Congrats.

  5. Congrats on all of those blog posts. It takes diligence!

  6. Cute squirrel photos. They do like to help themselves at the bird feeders. Congratulations on so many posts!

  7. You're not alone with computer issues!

  8. Your squirrel pics are very cute. My eyes aren't as good as they used to be so I have a hard time with those 'crosswalk' 'cars' 'light' before I can comment pictures. Also my iPAD doesn't kick in to comment 99 percent of the time. I use it a lot these days but have to wait for the laptop to make comments.

  9. Remember that movie "You've Got Mail" with Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan? And, the AOL "music" coming on when they opened their email box. lol My first computer was the Kaypro with the big floppy disks. That's another laugh for me.
    You got some wonderful active shots of the squirrels. I thought the single squirrel was a statue. :-)

  10. One chewed the wire off to my feeder while another waited for the goods.

  11. That's a LOT of posts! Squirrels are so much fun to watch.


The View from Squirrel Ridge features thousands of views of the Shenandoah Valley and surrounding area. I post frequently so please visit often.

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