July 9, 2018

Afternoon Random-osity

The Good: Strasburg has another new mural! This one is up high and I could not find a vantage point where I could show the entire thing. Also the afternoon light placed it in shadow, so I need to go back early in the day to get a picture when the sunlight is on it.

In order to show you the bright colors, here is a partial view I took while artists Jessie and Katey were still working on it. 

Sharing with Monday Murals
The Random: These are scenes from the charming village of Fishers Hill, which is just south of Strasburg. 
Mosaic Monday and The Barn Collective.
The Fun: Seeing a bear in the wild is exciting! This one was strolling at the Mary's Rock Tunnel Overlook in Shenandoah National Park. I only got one shot before he disappeared down the other side of the wall. I resisted the temptation to get out of the car and look for him. Bears don't like photographers!

He looked mangy, poor thing. I was disappointed that he had turned his head away, but at least I got a picture this time. Several other times I saw a bear walking along one of the stone walls and did not get the car stopped in time to take a photo. They move off into the brush pretty quickly.


  1. Love the bright colours and shapes of the new mural, looking forward to seeing more, ditto the barns and the poor mangy bear!

  2. Lovely mural, sometimes it's difficult to photograph huge murals when the light is wrong. It's a great one anyway Linda, thanks for participating.
    That bear does look as if he's starving, glad you didn't get out of the car, he could very well eat you, lol.

  3. I have never seen a bear walk a wall before. I have been at that overlook many times. Never seen a bear there before either. The mural is lovely, very colorful.

  4. ...wonderful bright colors! A great collage of barns! I just received word that at my Adirondack home that a bear was sighted. Linda, thanks for stopping by, enjoy your week.

  5. Bears are fast animals. Hopefully he or she is able to get a good amount of blueberries in.

  6. I like the barns. Nice collage! We had a bear show up in a neighboring town this past weekend. Quite a surprise!

  7. Yep, having a sighting and a camera to take a picture of a bear often don't coincide. They are a nuisance around here, getting into garbage cans often, which means they are healthier and having bigger litters. Poor things will have to be culled at some point.

  8. Nice collage of barns. The mural is nice and vibrant. The bear looks strange walking on the stone wall, glad you got a photo of it even though it wasn't looking your way.

  9. The bear looks like he’s playing a game...see how long he can walk on the wall. The barn collage and the mural are great.....I am not fond of the murals my city has installed...I need to send the Arts Council to yours, to see how to do it right!

  10. Nice to see the colourful mural.
    I do like your collage.

    All the best Jan

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  12. I like the cheerful colors of the mural. How neat to see a bear in the wild and also get his picture.


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