December 28, 2014

Odd Duck in Bridgewater


This bird has pretty feathers but his beak looks almost blistered. We believe he is a Muscovy duck, which is native to Central and South America. We don't see them often but they do live in the U.S., even in winter time. This one found a place to sit in the North River above the dam.

Sharing with: Weekend Reflections


  1. He's an interesting looking duck.

  2. What a perfect mirror ! It is rare to have such a perfect reflection with that type of angle, well done !

  3. This duck is a very interesting one.

  4. The muscovy duck is weird looking, great shots.. Have a happy Monday!

  5. Muscovy ducks sometimes join other ducks and fly north. I've even seen them here north of Toronto!

  6. i like muscovies. we had some 'wild' ones for a while here.

  7. Yep! That's a Muscovy duck. They live everywhere down here in South Florida. We think they look a little like a rooster with all their weird skin we call them Chucks (chicken-ducks). They can be pretty mean so be careful...and don't go hunting them because we hear they taste terrible.

  8. It has left someones farm, they are a good meat duck. I found one when I was young just walking down our street.

  9. reading "out on the prairie"s comment, phew, glad he escaped!

  10. Nice reflections! That's one lost duck.

  11. What an unusual duck. Well spotted!

  12. Definitely a Muscovy. We see them here occasionally.

  13. Sort of reminds me of a duck crossed with a turkey. Very different looking and what a cool duck to have around.

  14. My first thought was a Muscovy but I'm no expert. It's a beautiful photo. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas.

  15. Yep, that's a muscovy duck. Great photo. I'm late getting around this week because of the holidays, but wanted to stop by and thank you for sharing the link at I'd Rather B Birdin'

    I'm also in my personal blog {Hootin' Anni's Chronicles} So, don't be alarmed with my profile name/photo. This is Anni, the Hostess for the Bird D'Pot.

    I'd also like to extend my sincere wishes for a happy, HAPPY New Year!


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