June 19, 2014

Farm Fence and Birdhouse

We've had a rainy spring but the Shenandoah Valley is still pretty to drive through. These scenes are near Woodstock, Virginia.

Linking to: Good Fences


  1. Just got home from my sister's little farm in the next province over...it rained all the time I was there ...and was lovely and green... not cold though, so we still got to play outside most days...

  2. Gorgeous and lush!

  3. Some beautiful photos! I love the framing on the first!

  4. You posted some nice work lately! I enjoyed reading your posts again!! :-)

    Greetings from the Netherlands! ;-)
    Gert Jan Hermus

  5. Great scenery, I pessimally like the first photo.

  6. Pessimally is a new word btw, it means especially.

  7. That first photo is just perfect!

  8. I think the Shenandoah Valley would be beautiful ay time of the year and in any weather. We've loved it each time we've visited.

  9. Very pretty indeed. That rolling countryside appeals to me.

  10. Lovely pictures! I really like that first one.

  11. people loves their home land , may they will be saved forever .

  12. The station of 2000 acres of rough hill country on the Raglan deviation, had been cleared from native bush in earlier times, but a lot of it had reverted to scrub, bracken and gorse due to lack of investment and technology. rabbit fence


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