May 6, 2014

Youngsters Enjoying Skyline Drive

I remember how I loved going to Skyline Drive as a child. We would picnic and hike and gaze at the views!

From the pictures you might think the drop-off here is precipitous, but don't worry — it's not that steep.

Skyline Drive is the scenic road along the mountain tops through Shenandoah National Park in Virginia.

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  1. it does like a long way down. :)

  2. Nice. Glad to see kids bonding with nature.

  3. Looks like a beautiful place to visit.

  4. What sweet images and your memory.I wish I had that gorgeous place for walk!! I love that nature. Greeting from Japan!

  5. I think Skyline Drive is something everyone can enjoy, regardless of their age.

  6. What lovely shots.

  7. Looks like these kids are having fun! Thanks for the blog visit. :)

  8. Boy with walking stick, what a beautiful shot.

  9. we haven't taken skyline of these days!

  10. Thanks everyone for your comments. Tanya, it's very similar to the Blue Ridge Parkway except it's all within a national park plus the signature stone walls appear everywhere. Both roads are magical!

  11. Such amazing views. I'd love to travel through that park.

  12. Olá!! gosto de olhar as imagens e fotos do seu blogue, para mim é um passeio e distraçaõ , curiosa sou e vontade de conhecer, mas só vontade pois tenho medo de andar de avião , medo não mas sim pânico.... meu marido tem muitas fotos do kansas foi a tive a oportunidade de ir mas o medo me limitou! ele trabalha com aviões e foi para Wichita ....imagino que seja bem longe daí! adoro ver suas postagens e imagens! belo dia bjsss

  13. I love Skyline Drive! These pictures remind me of summer vacations when I was a kid.


The View from Squirrel Ridge features thousands of views of the Shenandoah Valley and surrounding area. I post frequently so please visit often.

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