January 28, 2014

Winter in Shenandoah National Park

Only a portion of Skyline Drive was open today. The northern section, which is close to our home, was only open for four miles. Since we have a senior pass, we went up there anyway to check out the scenery and look for deer. The deer cooperated by browsing next to the road.


  1. You get on the roads by choice in the freezing weather? People in my area don't know the first thing about driving in freezing temps! I try to avoid it if at all possible.

  2. Ms. A, we stayed in for a few days. Then I got cabin fever! My husband has learned to humor me and go for a ride if at all possible. I read on the internet that part of Skyline Drive was finally open so we went up there. (It's only about 20 or 30 minutes from home.) Didn't get out of the car though because the air was frigid.

  3. Bud and I are off to the entrance to the Blue Ridge Parkway at Buena Vista...if we can get up the hill. Know the road is blocked up top, but we love to take the cameras and just go walking like you all. These are beautiful...one of our favorite spots.

  4. Hello Linda:)Lucky you to see these beautiful deers.I would risk cold weather if I thought there was a chance of seeing them.
    Great captures!:)

  5. Your posts on skyline Drive always take me right back there.

  6. Great pictures! I really like the second one. Nice of the deer to pose for you. ;)

  7. sometimes it is hard to get so close to deer

  8. The deer are so sweet. Our town is pretty much completely shut down due to ice. We just don't have the equipment to deal with it. My husband was supposed to fly to CA today, but that's not happening.

  9. how nice of the deer to co-operate!

  10. Beautiful phots of the deer.
    From Hilda

  11. I'm kind of nervous about deer next to the road. I worry that they will take a notion to run across in front of me.


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