January 29, 2014

Ice is Nice for Canada Geese

Black and White and also Wild Bird Wednesday

These geese prefer the ice to the cold water. I've noticed they take their naps near the edge of the water, perhaps so they can promptly swim away if a predator draws near.

I converted the first images to black and white in Photoshop. The third photo is still in color, but as you can see the colors are fairly subtle.

You'll notice I like taking pictures of geese stretching their wings. Typically one does it and then another one follows suit. Then they all settle down for a little while.


  1. These are wonderful black and white photos.

  2. Glad to see someone enjoying this cold weather.

  3. Great photos! Those geese look very comfortable near that icy water.

  4. Such pretty shots.

  5. These are wonderful images, Linda!

  6. Neat pictures! The black and white make the pictures look even colder.

  7. Geese are so beautiful Linda... but stinky, stinky when they take over your lawn. I could look at them for hours as long as they stay off my place.

  8. I'm cold just looking at all that snow. Beautiful shots of the geese.

  9. Definitely wonderful winter atmosphere, beautiful birds! Nice pictures!


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