October 10, 2013

More B&W Conversions

I managed to complete all the Photoshop exercises that I missed from last week's class. It takes longer to do it on my own because I have to keep looking back at the textbook while using the mouse and keyboard at the same time. In class the teacher reads the instructions while we carry them out so it's easier.

The second image has a tint of color from imitating the old toning processes that we once did in the darkroom. This one was done in Photoshop but it has the warm tones of a sepia print.

Both of these pictures are converted from color images that I took last weekend on a farm near Berryville.

The first scene looks like an old jail cell, but it's just a downstairs room that was probably used for potting or storage. I think the light and shadows benefited from tweaking the contrast, and also from considerable cropping that I decided to do since I was changing the picture anyway.

I'm including a link to the textbook in case someone is looking for an indepth workbook on Adobe Photoshop. If you buy something through one of my Amazon links, I get a small credit towards a future purchase.


  1. Very nice how the sun plays along the wall. You do such nice work on your pictures.

  2. Both of these photos are beautiful. You've done a great job converting them to black-and-white.

  3. Very interesting! That first one does look like a jail cell.


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