October 9, 2013

Frank Loves Autumn

 The crisp sunny days of fall are pleasant, and the changing colors of the leaves are so gorgeous! I like this season but my favorite season is spring. Frank's favorite is autumn, and he even looks forward to winter and the "coziness" of staying indoors.

Every weekend there are festivals and events, although this will end when the weather gets cold. We went to Art at the Mill in Clarke County and will likely go back before the current show ends on October 20. Work is sold right off the walls and replaced with other pieces so the exhibit changes constantly.
By the way, I updated my Shenandoah.co page so that I can easily find the events links even while viewing from the iPad. Apparently tables display differently on a mobile device so I had to add a tiny bit of HTML to keep my link panel near the top. There are several websites that list local events but none is complete so I check more than one every week.


  1. Spring is my favorite season also. That art event sounds neat with the exhibit changing as pieces sell.

  2. Que linda abóbora... minha estaçao preferida primavera!, amo!!! odeio frio! bjss

  3. I love autumn too - the colors are like nothing else and it does feel very cozy to bundle up in sweaters and drink warming drinks again!:)

  4. I also like autumn, but I'm not particularly fond of winter. I grew up in the snow belt of Indiana and had enough cold and snow for a lifetime.

  5. Nice pumpkin. It really looks like the autumn is coming in real fast.

  6. I like summer the very best but fall is next in line.. or would it be spring. I totally don't like winter.

  7. I'm with Frank, autumn is the best season.


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