March 7, 2013

Yes, We Got Snow!

We finally got a snow storm in the northern Shenandoah Vally. It seemed odd because Tuesday was a warm day that promised spring was coming, yet that night the snow started falling.

We got between 6 and 8 inches in our yard. Temperatures edged up during the afternoon and the snow started melting.

I took these pictures around mid-day when Benny and I went out to get the mail.
The family across the road built this snowman. He reminds me of the "grinch."
This boy loves his to ride his vehicle and today it served as his snowmobile.


  1. If it makes you happy, then I'm thrilled for you. :) Fun pics.. love that snowman.

  2. Great pictures, at times i wish we lived near snow, until I think of how hard it would make life..

  3. Looks so nice when the snow falls, why does it do it at night when we miss seeing it though, lol. Love your photos as always.

  4. That really does look like the smile of the grinch. I don't think your spaniel likes snow very much! But what a fun day!

  5. oh benny does not look happy got quite a bit more than us. we ended up with about 3 inches, which is mostly gone now...back to school, blah!

  6. Wonderful photographs, a real winter.
    The brainless person inimitable

  7. very cool! it would be fun for a day or two. :)

  8. Hurray for snow. Lovely shots!

  9. Yay! Beautiful snow! The dog looks about as unhappy with it though as the snowman does! :-)

  10. yes you did get snow.... lots of it. Very pretty though.

  11. That looks fantastic....much nicer than boring rain we are having in Coventry. See from Tanya's comment you had more snow than she did in her town.

  12. I love that first photograph of your dog, very adorable.

  13. LOVE that snowman!! Send some snow this way :)

  14. Great pictures! We got about four inches of snow, but most of it has melted away today.

  15. Benny doesn't look at all happy to be out in the snow, although it is a pretty snow.


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