March 6, 2013

Nice weather for Ducks... and Geese!

waterfowl talking
Our local waterfowl don't mind the winter weather; in fact, they appear to welcome it. I guess if they didn't like it, they would have migrated south in the fall.


  1. The geese on our pond are crazy. They sleep on the frozen water... then wake up and the males chase the other males away from their female.

  2. I can't help but think that the weather is better suited for penguins.

  3. Sometimes they won't migrate if there is a reliable source of food. For some reason, I think of ducks as cute, but not geese.

  4. Aw, why are they so sweet? Lovely captures (I hope the winter storm hasn't caused too much chaos in the region)!

  5. You wouldn't think those feathers keep them that insulated but then again, we design coats and blankets filled with them so they sure do. Fun pics.

  6. Wonderful shots. I know the ducks and geese are fine with the cold! :-)

  7. They do look quite happy out there!


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