March 4, 2025

Things are Getting Squirrely

Also Spelled Squirrelly




  1. Oooh Linda what a handsome squirrel!!
    He looks like Spino the protagonist of the last fairy tale I wrote!! Thank you very much!!

  2. ...our bird feeders have become squirrel feeders.

  3. I often see squirrels outside my bedroom window on the second floor, jumping from tree to tree. Nice close-ups here.

  4. Squirrels are looking very lovely

  5. They are the joy of my life and the bane of my existence!

  6. The squirrels here are happy when they are eating my bird food. Take care, have a great day!

  7. Such a cutie, and eating everything that was intended for birds!

  8. Haha, I love how simple and playful this is! Sometimes, a squirrel really does sum up the excitement of a moment. They’re always so full of energy, darting about, and almost everywhere you look—there's a new one making you smile. Thanks for sharing these little bursts of joy! 🐿️

  9. I always enjoy seeing squirrels ... lovely photographs.

    All the best Jan


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