March 10, 2025

The Playground at Riley Park

Usually when I take Charlie to W.O. Riley Park, we go to the arboretum area to walk. Last week I had a couple of books to drop off at the little free library, so we went to the upper area where the playground is.

We found a chalkboard with a colorful collage on each end. 

Mosaic Monday

The book box/free library was also brightly decorated.

Witch hazel was blooming. It is known as one of our few trees that blossom in the winter. 

Charlie found a water fountain with a ground level basin for pets.


  1. Those little neighbourhood libraries have proven to be a wonderful addition to the life of a community.

  2. That letter box is looking so interesting

  3. Hello,
    I like the witch hazel tree, I do not see them in my area. Charlie is a cutie, as always. The free libraries are great. Take care, have a great day!

  4. Too bad no chalk, nor children to enhance the trip. Love those free libraries, they're all over town here. Especially useful for winter reading!

  5. Glad to see free book library box, Charlie looks cute :) Beautiful post.

  6. That would cheer me up seeing that little book library. Which reminds me, I need to get some books together to do the same. Thanks for the reminder Linda. Charlie looks as adorable as ever.

  7. Sounds like the perfect walk! Your dog is so cute! I love how fun the free library is. I need to find one in our area! I have been trying to spend more time outside lately as we have some mold removal done in our house. I will have to look for one on my afternoon walk today.

  8. Hello Linda :)
    To my knowledge we do not have a free library system here, mores the pity. I think the dog bowl with clean drinking water is fabulous, and so is Charlies photo.


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