January 3, 2025

First Day Hike of 2025

The tradition of group hikes on New Year's Day is a fairly recent one. It was first nationally publicized in 2012, although some organizations held the event before that. 

I’m not able to hike because I have an injured knee plus foot problems, but I decided to drop in on the event at Seven Bends State Park. I know some of the park rangers and volunteers, and I wanted to get outside and see some friendly faces.

North Fork of the Shenandoah 


  1. That's a great idea. Have not heard of it. Would love to participate.

    Happy New Year!

    Worth a Thousand Words

  2. Looks like fun. I hope you will be able to hike again soon.

  3. The first day hike is a great idea.
    Take care, have a happy weekend.

  4. I am sure that everyone was happy to see you whether you hiked or not. It’s a great tradition that has been established.

  5. Happy new year Linda, good each photos.

  6. ...keep putting one foot in front of the other!

  7. Wow, they are a club, and even have a flag/banner! The hike itself has a sticker of it's own too! Glad to know of it...and I'll keep doing what Tom mentioned, one step at a time!

  8. I love the concept of first day hikes and they are quite popular in Oklahoma now.
    I do my own first day hike cuz hiking is a moving meditation for me.
    I also have a bad knee, I think I'm going to schedule a knee replacement soon. My orthopedic guy keeps telling me just whenever I want, come see him.


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