December 30, 2024

More Favorites from 2024

Post #8950

Today's batch of photos is from the first five months of 2024. I just went through the album of my blog posts from that time to select some contenders. It was my final book made by Blog2Print. Unfortunately, they are not printing blog albums anymore. I would love to find another publisher that does the same thing, including the text as well as pictures, and preferably the same height and width so that it would match my existing albums.

This first collage is not from the album. I made it using PhotoCollage.

Charlie is very cute, so of course some of his pictures are among my favorites. Here he is with my daughter Marie.

Here are other pictures that I decided to consider for photo of the year. I’ll post more tomorrow.


  1. ...I wish that there were more "hate doesn't live here" signs!

  2. Love your sweet Charlie. The last photo is beautiful.
    I wish you all the best in 2025, a very Happy and Healthy New Year!

  3. I echo Tom’s comment above. It sometimes seems that hate is the default position in today’s world. All the very best for 2025, with peace, joy and good health.

  4. I have two "rubber-like" mats on my floor, with Hate HasNo Home Here...and lots of rainbow flowers, on a mostly black background.

  5. That sounds like a wonderful collection of memories! It's a shame that Blog2Print no longer offers the service you need

  6. Fine pictures, Happy New Year from TilburgDailyPhoto

  7. Love all your pictures, all great but I loved the one that said Hate Doesn’t Live Here! 👍


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