December 28, 2024

Another Holiday Report

Thanks to Eileen's Saturday Critters linkup, I am motivated to post photos of animals every weekend. I'll turn this post over to Charlie in a second, but first I'll show you a group of deer that I saw along Skyline Drive.

Charlie, filtered for Caturday.

Charlie: “It was a busy week, even for a dog. Marie came and stayed a few days, and Lynn came for a celebration. Everyone had presents to open, even me.”

I took my new toys to the place where I keep my toys. The gray squirrel had a squeaker. I waited until after Lynn left, and then I tore it apart. I didn’t mean to kill it, but l needed to get rid of the squeaker because it was bothering my other animals.

On the day after Christmas, we got in Marie’s‘s car and I thought we were going to the dog park but instead we went to the kennel. I was very sad. I had to stay there for most of the day. At least I got to play with the nice ladies who take care of me there.

Today was quiet because everyone has left except Mom and me. So bye for now. 


  1. Hello,
    Wonderful photo of the deer. Charlie you are so cute. My old dogs had to remove the squeakers too. I am glad you had a happy Christmas with your Mom, Lynn and Marie. The last photo is my favorite, adorable. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your day and a great week I wish you all the best in 2025, filled with peace and joy! Have a happy and healthy New Year.

  2. When the time comes to enter Doggie Valhalla, Charlie, I am sure that your last act will be to tear something apart!

  3. ...Christmas was a special time for you.

  4. Charlie, We hope the Grey Squirrel was still "playable with" after the squeak was removed.
    All the pictures are lovely - the deer are such dears (mol).

  5. Charlie, you sure did have lots of love coming your way over Christmas! And that scarf is "to die for!" Enjoy quiet until next Wed. night, when there may be some big noises to deal with.

  6. Seems like you got some cool presents. Lovely photos!

  7. Hello :)
    What a treat to see deer at the side of the road. and you Charlie, are always the star of the post. I love your cute last photo. I 'm glad you enjoyed playing with your toys and did what most doggies do when they get a new toy
    I hope you both have a very Happy New Year.
    All the best

  8. That was a very good time you had Charlie and you look adorable in your new bandana. Looks like it will keep you nice and warm. Enjoyed seeing the deer too 🦌


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